March 27, 2025

What causes constipation, how to treat it, and how to avoid it?


It could mean that you aren’t going to the bathroom enough or that you can’t empty your bowels completely.

Constipation can also make your stools hard and lumpy, as well as unusually big or small.

Constipation can be mild or very bad for each person. Constipation can be a long-term (chronic) condition that affects a person’s quality of life and causes them a lot of pain and discomfort, but some people only have it occasionally.

Learn more about how to tell if you have constipation.

How many different kinds of bowel problems are there?

Constipation that lasts for a long time can be one of four types:

Symptoms of dyssynergia defecation (DD), normal transit, slow transit, and a combination of slow transit and dyssynergia
When you have constipation, going to the bathroom is harder and takes longer than usual.

People go to the bathroom in different ways. Some adults go to the bathroom more than once a day, while others might only go once every three or four days. In the same way, some babies go to the bathroom more than once a day, while others only do so a few times a week.

If you or your child aren’t going to the bathroom as often as usual, this could be a sign of constipation.

You might also have trouble going to the bathroom and feel like you can’t completely empty your bowels. Your stools may look dry, lumpy, hard, and either too big or too small for your body.

The following can also be signs of constipation:

Most of the time, constipation happens because stool or waste moves too slowly through the digestive tract or can’t get out of the rectum. There are a lot of things that could cause chronic constipation.

stomach pain, feeling full, feeling sick, and losing your appetite

Constipation in children means that they go to the bathroom less or not at all. It can also be caused by any of the following signs and symptoms:

Loss of appetite, lack of energy, irritability or sadness, gas and stools that smell bad, stomach pain and discomfort, and an overall feeling of being sick.

Why do people get backed up?

It can be hard to figure out why someone has trouble going to the bathroom. But there are a number of things that make the condition worse, such as:

ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom as a side effect of some drugs not drinking enough fluids anxiousness or sadness Constipation in kids can be caused by a bad diet, a fear of going to the bathroom, or trouble learning how to use the toilet. Changes in your routine or way of life, like changing the way you eat, can also make you constipated.

If your colon or rectum is backed up,

Blockages in the rectum or colon can slow or stop stools from moving.

Anal fissures are small tears in the skin near the anus. Bowel obstruction is when the intestines get clogged up. Colon cancer is a narrowing of the colon, which is called a colon stricture. Another type of abdominal cancer that can put pressure on the colon is cancer of the rectal area. The rectus muscle protrudes from the back of the uterus.

Problems with nerves near the colon and rectum

Neurological diseases can affect the nerves that make the muscles in the rectum and colon contract and move stool through the intestines.

This is seen in conditions like autonomic neuropathy, nerve damage that affects how the body works, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, and stroke.


Conditions that mess up the hormones in the body
Hormones make sure that your body has the right amount of fluids. Constipation can be caused by a number of diseases and conditions that mess with hormones, like:

Hyperparathyroidism is a condition that can happen when you have diabetes or are pregnant.

What makes constipation go away right away?
At home, you can treat constipation by eating more fiber, taking a laxative, using a suppository, or taking a stool softener. Squatting, doing light exercise, and massaging your colon can all help.

How can I avoid getting behind?

You should eat a lot of beans, vegetables, fruits, whole-grain cereals, bran, and other high-fiber foods.
Low-fiber foods include processed foods, dairy, and meat products.
Get plenty of water.
Try to stay as active as possible and work out often.

What kinds of food make it hard for you to go to the bathroom?
Constipation can be caused by eating too much processed foods, high-fat meats, dairy and egg products, sweets, and other foods. Insufficient fluids. Because fiber works better when it is dissolved in water and other fluids, being dehydrated can make it harder to pass stools.

If you do these things, you can avoid having trouble going to the bathroom often.

Eat a lot of beans, fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and bran to get the fiber you need.
milk, meat, processed foods, and other low-fiber foods should be eaten less.
drink a lot of water.
try to get less stressed.
Don’t ignore the fact that you need to use the bathroom.
Try to go to the bathroom at the same time every day, especially after meals.
Make sure that kids who have just started eating solids eat a lot of fiber.

What causes constipation, and how can it be fixed?
Constipation is a common problem that can be caused by what you eat, health problems, and other things. The best ways to get rid of it are to do things like eat more fiber, drink more water, and work out regularly.

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